Our Group

Mobilda is an extension of Mars Media Group and is recognized as our central mobile marketing division, benefiting from the years of experience and reputation of MMG. Over the years, the mobile advertising market has evolved significantly and is now a must- have channel for all.

At Mobile we offer solutions for both advertisers and publishers, making their mobile experience easy and worthwhile.


Our intelligent AI video content solution, Videofy.ai, can help you boost revenue and improve user experience. It transforms static content into dynamic videos that you can add to your website. With Videofy.ai, creating videos is effortless, as it generates automatic videos without any input required from you.


Mars.Audio offers publishers a non-intrusive and distraction-free monetization method to increase performance and revenue. Audio ads are used to reach listeners where other ad channels seem to have failed by introducing an unobtrusive way for audiences to engage with an ad that doesn't force users to navigate away or distract them from their current activity, resulting in a higher Listen-Through- Rate.

Audio ad placements enable advertisers to position ads during streaming music, news, games, and podcasts allowing them to reach broader audiences and reach campaign goals.


Geofy.ai is a platform that offers location-based intelligence to assist advertisers and marketers in comprehending their consumers' behavior, connecting with them, and engaging them. Our solution comprises a data engineering and quality optimization engine that utilizes real-time verified location data, demographics, and user behavioral trends. This approach enables advertisers to stay at the forefront of their consumers' minds at all times.


You don't need to be a TikTok marketing expert to achieve excellent results. With Auction-Ads, you can boost your marketing ROI using unique actionable insights, robust multi-channel campaign management, and advanced analysis capabilities. We've partnered with TikTok to leverage its Marketing API, allowing us to create a smooth reporting and campaign management experience for our clients.


Mars Native is a smart native solution tailored to meet the monetization requirements of websites. It offers a solution for publishers to generate revenue while maintaining high-quality user experience on their websites. With its fully customizable features, publishers can optimize ad placement, design, and content on their websites to achieve optimal results in terms of revenue and user engagement.

Mars Native is an ideal solution for publishers seeking a simplified and effective approach to website monetization that doesn't compromise on user experience.


As a pioneer in the digital world, Mars Media was one of the first companies to start operating in the OTT space. In 2017, we started operating with MarsChannels, Introducing new ways for advertisers to reach targeted audiences – combining the impact of TV with the precision of digital.

Our Video division expanded to deliver innovative CTV Video Advertising tools that enable partners to reach even greater groups of TV viewers than traditional TV, along with building own & operated CTV applications and channels.


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